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CLAN: Factor VIII Contingency


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We have the right to remove anyone from our server if we so do please.


I myself enjoy playing too much to run the risk of people who obviously have issues with us share our server, because even if nothing happens, the potential for a verbal war of some kind is there.


We play to relax and have fun, and I can't see how playing with people you don't get along with can be fun.


Sorry it has to be like that, but we would never consider coming into a server that your group ran, so please respect us and leave us alone, and we will do the same.

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then if you wanna do it that way why dont you just put a password on it or is that just too logical for you? and how am i a potential for verbal war? if you guys actually get in verbal wars over the internet then i dont see how you can call yourselves 'mature'. also how do you know you cant get along with me if you ban me before i even talk? *sigh* maturity nowadays cant even be found among the old.

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Whoa there padre...


We don't pass the server because in general we absolutely want to play with the public, just not people from your particular group.


And I believe you misunderstood me. I said the "potential" is there for some type of verbal war and we don't want that sort of thing on our server. I have no clue if I could get along with you or not, but given the past history our two seperate groups have, it seems very unlikely and that's unfortunate. I'd rather stop it before it ever happens, even if it means punishing those who have said nothing. I hope you can just accept that we don't want to game with you guys and move on. You have your own group and I am sure you can all manage to play and have fun on a server of your own or many of the other public servers.


I'm not going to go hijack your recruitment thread, so please leave ours alone. There are tons and tons of servers out there to play on. It's not the end of the world if you aren't welcome on ours.


Let's move on already please. Leave us be, and we will do the same for you.

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