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BACKSTAB bug I is found and exploited ...


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Hello ppl even if raven doesnt read this anymore :(


I noticed a new bug that some ppl are aware of the last week, i was playing on a regular server i use to visit and this dude suddenly did a super backstab spin AND killed me instantly with one hit and I was thrown way back LOL.



Ok so i thought they have to know admin and doesnt use any 1.03a server side mods etc or something so I left... plugged into another one which i knew used one. and viola and another dude did the same backstab except i wasnt thrown back, usally you can see sparks or atleast have some chance but at the single touch you are dead meat man. Even if he touches ur saber... Very scary.


and then I said to myself oh thats it im gonna try to play some CTF usually i dont. i played for quite awhile until thank god only one dude used this cheat.and i literally had to run away from him caus i knew one touch backstab and dead.

the scary thing about this bitch thou was that he was good indeed at backstabbing and used a cheat the worst kind...


some of you maybe thinks oh he just uses red and got skills afraid not. I use red myself to backstab if i do... but never seen it like this.


even without all mods etc its not this deadly...


I can cope with the backstab spinners etc, but cheating like this?


WELCOME TO DOOM OF JEDI OUTCAST . Unless all server admins say oh maybe i should use the 1.04 mod so they can´t spin atleast "not likely" most are lazy...

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What do you mean super back spin. If your talking about light stance backstab where you spin around really fast than it's not a cheat it's just them turning up their mouse sensitivity and are able to spin around really fast. Yah if you play one of the mods the whole bs problem will be fixed and you can have fun playing.

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like i said i can cope with backstab spinners... "when they are spinning fast"


for example I had 100 health 200 shield and only required to touch me and i was dead and cheater goes away happy... the latest dude who i saw used it "this cheat" didnt use the very fast spin he just comes close to me and im dead no sparks nothing.usually when you use for example red backstab it requiers atleast two spins until they are dead with 100/200 and alot of sparks:)


the usual super spin thing is harmless comparing to this.


have only seen 3 ppl using this cheat so far. thank god...

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all i need to tell you guys is:


"JK++ is WIN!"


JK++ is basically JK II.... but some semblence of skill is required.... back stab is no longer a one-hit-llama move... but a viable defence tactic which is not lame. While backstabbing, your not about to rotate... and the damage is no longer fatal.


Also... tweaks to the force are great... speed is finally usefull... however i think heal is slighty over powered (25% mana for 40% health... i think 25% for 25 health is okay... and i use lightside.) JK++ is basically a server side mod maintained by fans of the game... i.e. they're not restricted by lucas arts.


though it's still in beta... JK++ is far and away a better game than 1.03 JKII is.

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anyone who remembers the original JK remembers that speed was a staple in your force arsenal. The thing that balances out speed is that your mana doesn't recharge while it's on.... but maybe your right... maybe 33% is good... but 50% is way too much. Another option would be to do it like absorb (costs like nothing, but slowly drains you)

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They are tweaking the speed and push/pull mana costs for the next beta of JK2++. I agree that speed might be a staple in JK, but this is Jedi Knight II and the gameplay is NOTHING like the Jedi Knight or MotS so IMO speed is too much. I will wait for the next beta to come out before i comment anymore on speed because [WD] Rage usually takes the feedback people give him and tests it out and works with everyone to make the mod better.

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