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Rebel starfighters' shields down


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Hi! I'm new to this editing stuff and I'd like to know how can I edit X-wing Alliance so that rebel starfighters (A-wing, B-wing, T-wing, Y-wing, X-wing and Z-95) don't have a shield system or shields at 0%. I get very frustrated in a skirmish battle when i have to shoot at a B-wing for like a million times.

I'm trying to find more authentic Star Wars experience...


What's the easiest way to do this?


Thanks for your help in advance!

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I've asked myself the same question. In the StarWars movies you can see that 1 or 2 laser hits easily destroy a starfighter like a X-Wing. In the game they all have heavy shields like some kinda huge Calamari Cruiser or something.

So in skirmish mode a such a mod that put down or disable all schield systems would be nice perhaps. But I would say that in single player missions and battles it is nearly imposible to fly without any protection. Imagine you have to fly a 30 minutes mission against 2 or 3 Star Destroyers and lots of TIE Fighters and only one laser hit would destroy yourself. I guess this way is unplayable.


btw: I've never heard of a mod like this ...

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