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New Bristish PA Recruiting,

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We are a new player association based in the UK called the Fife Order. We will be building our city on Tatooine, and it is our aim to create a city that everyone can enjoy!

We have only a few members just now. We need people to join us who aim to be bar/shop/factory owners, politicians, merchants, entertainers, engineers... everything really. We will also want to sign up adventurers such as bounty hunters and smugglers to bring money into our city.


We dont have any combat members yet. We want snipers, soldiers, medics etc to build an army for the protection of us and our allies.


The first ppl to join us will be given important roles within the PA and City. More politicians will be allocated high positions in the council, and the first amry member will become the general for the Order.


Visit our site (still under construction but loads of info if you click on the Fife Order links) and join today! Everyone is welcome, nobody will be rejected.



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