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make alliances with other players?


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im not sure but i think that i've read it somewhere in this forums that somebody talked about have allies in ffa games and stuff. it would be a gread feature but have no idea how this could be started with. if anyone knows something about this please let me know.

i want to make it possible to hav one ally with friendly fire off and then u could still challange other players to duels but your ally would have to fight with u. so 2on2 duels would be possible too if wanted. tell me if this is somehow possible...and how hard it is to do..

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Usually i just ask someone to ally with me =P


Perhaps you could implement something like the challenge key. that way you can go up to someone and "ask them to ally" and they can press their ally key to accept.

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i would very much like to see this implemented for its possible applications to an rpg/coop setting. coudl it possibly have something to do with the npc teams? i know that they have team_ally, team_neutral, and team_free but i dont know if this can be applied to players.

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this idea i like! maybe you could alter the challage "aura" (the thing that keeps you from being hurt) to be the oppisite, making you unable to be hurt by your ally but still take damage from others, alos you would bee to alter the code to let a few ppl do it a the same time (only one duel at a time normally) and be able to ally with more then one person...but i would defenatly set a max so everyone doesn't ally agaist one person

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