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I just joined the forum. I found out this website through LucasArts technical support when I had emailed a question.


I have figured out how to play sounds in the scenario (such as ones that were in the Campaigns), but I was wondering how to extract the sound files that are in every game (i.e. when you click on a unit or move a unit).


I am working on a major Empire Scenario for a Grand Admiral Thrawn campaign that will have several thousand units and probably a hundred or so triggers. This scenario will be more of a story scenario. Anyway, to get those sound files in the scenario would make it better. It will probably be a few months before I finish because I am trying to get the empire symmetrical (spacing is harder because if I could, I would have had a map four times as large as the giant map).


Any help would be appreciated, and I will periodically post hints on scenario design to try to answer others' questions.

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