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WIP: Trebor, Coleman

PIo Koon

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Well Bobafett sugested i post a new thread since my topic didn't really show that pics were there..so im going to see if a admin can delete the old one to get rid of spam


anyway heres updated pics







i took (i forgot ur name =O( ) someones suggestion to bring the head back a bit so i did that..and the horn isn't as long also..and added a belt...i shouldn't be posting anymore pics until i get the legs and feet done...then onto the robed version and robe+hoodup version


im not to pleased with the hands because they look low poly

but i hope that once its skinned it looks good becasue i like the shape of the hands


but someone wouldn't mind doing some hands for Trebor for me to use i'd appreciate it


and once again any comments are welcome that pertain to the model =OD

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im very disappointed =O(...for some resaon...i just can't model legs...so i fear im going to have to let this model go to a knew owner so they can finish it...im gunu keep trying tonight and tomorrow but if no luck..someone else will have to finish him =O(

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If you feel that you can't do justice to the legs, then it is your decision to pass the torch to someone else, just as someone passed the torso onto you. But don't give it just one go. I'm sure his hands aren't easy but you're getting there- at least he has only 2 fingers and a thumb right :p


Before you pass it on however, you must get the head in the right shape. You moved the neck back which is good, but there's still things to be done from what I can see. Coleman seems to have bones where a human has ears, these seem to be rather pronounced out of the side of his head. He also has a well defined chin as best seen in the Count Dooku confrontation pic.

He still seems to have a snout, as opposed to a more human-like face. I realise that it means moving, adding or deleting a lot of vertices especially at the front of the face, but you'll get a more realistic look.


Keep it up! Have another go at the legs too... ...a solution may present itself....

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Genthar i know...i tried 2 more times last night after 5 and im going to keep trying all today...if i can't...someone can finish it =O\...hopefully i can because i want to do as much on this model as i can


and yes im not even done with the head genthar =OD...he has no eyes at the moment lol...and theres to many verts in his head that are unused at the moment to..so i need to do that


BUT...if i can or can't do the legs...i am still going to see if i can make a decent cloak and hood...i hope that i can because i think material might be to advanced for me..o well =OD

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ok after realizing thankx to genthar that Trebor's head was..."mishappen"...i decided to totally redo the head...and i think i nailed it this time...take a look




should i keep trying or do u all think thats good?



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You did really good with the hand it looks just like Coleman's.

Your doing a good job. I'm going to make some legs.


I've started on Kit Fisto.

Take off the http://










"What if he doesn't survive; he's worth alot to me"

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looks good boba =O)


although i was thinking more along the lines that all jedi's wear the "same-type-uniform" meaning look at Anikan..


they both have vests...low handing sleeves...and Anakin has boots


and if u look at the Stance of Trebor at star wars.com where hes on the whiteish blue screen...u can see his feet are "redish"...giving me the idea hes wearing boots



so it looks good...but if u can see aobut getting boots that goe up halfway on his lower leg that would be cool..unless u want me to try and do it





also...i am making the cloak as we speak...and...im impressed of how it looks..i just need to do the arms and hood and im done =O)

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thankx guys!!...good to know ur liking it =O)...also boba helped get this thing on the road so thank him to ;)


also...im not JUST doing robed/no robed....>=O)...im doing no Robe...Robe/hood down...and...Robe/hoodup =OD


i still have questions needing answers though...


#1- should my model be many pieces or is it ok to be all one piece?


#2- whats the highest polycount a model should be without being to much?


i know the robed versions are going to hit over 1500...the no robed should only be a lone 1100-1200

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PIo Koon is this what you wanted. Your going to have to do the feet cause I think I can't make them but I'll try to.:D


Gret Sirob it still doesn't work so take off the

URL=http://www.geocities.com/bobafett10186/Trebor_Body.JPG] http://www.geocities.com/bobafett10186/Trebor_Body.JPG[/url]







"What if he doesn't survive; he's worth alot to me"

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boba...put the http://HTTP:// back in because the link doesn't work...were gunu have to delete the HTTP =OD lol


anyway...yes tahts somewhat of what i wanted..go ahead and send to me cuz i know what to do for the feet...looks great =O)


BTW - before u send it...delete the stuff i already have(IE: upper torso)

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