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Adding Custom Textures Need Help


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All I want to know IN english.. is how to add .jpg's as a texture and make them to be able to see after compiling..


Where I am At:


I made a custom MDL Clan logo and added it to the only folder I could find that jk2 radiant pulls from.. which happens to be the


c://program files/lucasarts/jk2/game/base/textures/skies/


folder. Now viewing my map in the 3d viewing area of jk2 radiant it shows my logo where I want it.. soon after I compile and run the map in jk2 i walk over to where my logo is and a white wall with a black circle in the middle of it is there insted.. and no its not the lighting.. If anyone can help me I would love to here it..

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The game loads the system textures out of the pk3 files so it will ignore what is in the directories for textures/system. Create a new directory called "mymap" or whatever you would like, and add it to that directory. Make sure BOTH SIDES of the logo are a power of 2 in size (128pixels, 512, 32, 64, etc) then retexture the surface and fire it up. YOu will see a new item on the textures drop down menu for "mymap."

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Originally posted by Derisor

The game loads the system textures out of the pk3 files so it will ignore what is in the directories for textures/system.

Actually no... the game will load textures wherever it can find them... if you test your map in MP with custom textures, however, you will need to issue the console command "sv_pure 0" before you play.


Multiplayer, by default, only will display textures in PK3s. Singleplayer does not have that limitation.


If you want the texture to show in MP on other people's computers, just put it in the PK3 and it will show up just fine.


But yes, you do need to put the texture in a custom directory.

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