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Cant find Desann


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I have come to the place in Yavin (Final) where you cann push three walls and now I am stuck. I've tried evrything wahtching the mirror and then following the shadow on the flor going trough the false wall and falling in to the hole and die. I have allso tried to push the three walls. Going back to the start of the level and run the hole way back.


Thank you


I have not faild i have just fund 140000 way that dosent work

(Thomas Edison)

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In the future, you might want to check other postings before posting a new question. This one's been answered a couple of times. It's faster to look through the forums than to wait for someone to reply to a new one!


Having said that...


To solve this, stay in the same room where you pushed the 3 walls. Walk around the new halls formed, keeping an eye at ankle level. You'll see a 4th push square that has been uncovered by on the walls. Force push it and your new exit opens up.


Good luck with Desann!

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