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Is it possible to group brushes together?


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Is it possible to group brushes together?


For example if I had an elevator but I want to make the moving part like a box not just a single platform that moves but it has sides and a top too inside a shaft is it possible to group all the parts I want to move together so when I select them all the part will be selected at one time?


I hope that makes sense to you


I'm using GTKRadiant 1.2.9

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Yup. Before you make it into a func_train or func_plat, just select all of the brushes you want to be a part of it. :)


BTW, if you've already grouped some together that you want to remake into a different func, you can right-click and Ungroup Entity to make them into normal brushes again.

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Ok cool thanks Rich

but how do i group them together I don't see a group button


do I have to do the function train to get them to group?


ok say I have a arched doorway that has no door and needs no function

can I group all the brushes that make up the doorway?


oh I guess it might be func_group

that seems logical to me is that right?

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