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finally... one problem though


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I finally figured out editing the lightsaber color and how to change an ally to an enemy. There is only one problem I changed tavion'sightsaber to blue and she works fine. But I changed the Jedi trainer's a little more to this:

playerModel jeditrainer




saberColor red

rank commander

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

class jedi

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd jedi1

sndcombat jedi1

sndjedi jedi1

health 400

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 30

dismemberProbWaist 50


as you can see all I did was change the team {so the player could fight him)and his blade color along with altering the dismemberprobwaist to 50 and hands to 30. It worked however he shoots at me with a blaster instead of a lightsaber and does not move from his spot. I know the Jedi in sp maps do not have to have the point combats as they have their own A.I.. So how do make him like stop using the blaster and attack like a Jedi again-have I errored?

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