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Yo Nite, your MOD has serious potential!!! I did some testing yesterday with a buddy, tweaked a few things, and its up live right now on my server. (


Here are the big things that I noticed:


1) push and pull does not knock down oppenent if both are at full force - is there a cvar to make knockdowns happen sometimes but less often then in the orignial code


2) Backswipe = you can't move. Is there a CVAR to allow movement? (I would rather lower damage for the baskswipes but allow movement)


3) Red stance kicks azz! Thats a good thing and I like that you can incease damage for the other stances so that every stance is lethal.


4) No blue lunge in mid-air - Thats a good thing but is there a CVAR for that?


5) I think that the duelffa = 1 setting could cause some problems namely in that people could run around with their saber off with invinciblity and turn it on to get easy kills when the time is right. It would be great to have multiple duels in FFA but no saber off invinciblity.


6) I set Ghoul2 collision and it seems to work well with it on!


7) Overall it plays very nice. The best thing is that its totally configurable. A few more small things would make this perfect.

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1)-4) were already in the code and i did not change a bit. and dont bother to cuz its ok. and multiple duels are allowed all the time without duelffa=1. but i tested that already and people tend to just chaticaly fight and bash on what ever is in the way not thinking about any sense in gameplay. with the invincible thing i u can force players to keep their sabers holstered until they hit a duel challange with another player. but u dont take the freedom of training without having to challange a duel. Ghoul2 collision sux, it turnes the duels to a marathon. the blocking is ok with the old 1.02 setting. changing the other stances damage is not a good thing. those are tactical spam moves and to fast to have more damage. try it out and tell me if u still like red stance. the ballance is just about right now on my server but ill check yours out, if the ping is ok ...

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Nite I saw you on the server. What did you think? I know your ping sucked. Here is the bottom of my config file. Let me know what you think of my settings. I had to up the other stances cause I was owning people too much. I uped all of the stances so that I could have ghoul2 without fights being too long.


seta g_saberghoul2collision "1"

seta g_saberTracesaberfirst "0" //0 = Less Blocking

seta disable_item_medpac "1" //Disables Bacta Tanks







seta saber_hitbox 16

seta duelffa 0

seta wdam_kick 6

seta kickchance 5 // (1-10)

seta saber_throw 10 // Saber Throw damage - 30 is default

seta wdam_light 2 // Force Lightning Damage


// SABER DAMAGE SETTINGS: sp = special and bs = backstab

seta saber_bluebsmax 90 // 70 is default

seta saber_bluebsmin 30 // 15 is default

seta saber_bluespmax 30 // 20 is default

seta saber_bluespmin 10 // 5 is default

seta saber_blue 40 // 30 is default

seta saber_yellowbsmax 90 // 70 is default

seta saber_yellowbsmin 30 // 16 is default

seta saber_yellowspmax 85 // 80 is default

seta saber_yellowspmin 45 // 45 is default

seta saber_yellow 70 // 60 is default

seta saber_redbsmax 100 // 85 is default

seta saber_redbsmin 40 // 32 is default

seta saber_redspmax 200 // 180 is default

seta saber_redspmin 40 // 32 is default

seta saber_redmax 120 // 120 is default

seta saber_redmin 60 // 70 is default

seta saber_redbackmax 80 // 80 is default



// Map Rotation, Weapons, and Force Powers



exec dedicatedmaps1_SE.cfg

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And my map rotation:



seta g_autoMapCycle "0" // 0 = custom rotation.

seta g_gametype "0"


// Custom Map Rotation

set d1 "set g_gametype 0; set duelffa 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "0"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_bespin; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "set g_gametype 3; set duelffa 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_training; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "set g_gametype 0; set duelffa 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "0"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_ns_hideout; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "set g_gametype 3; set duelffa 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_carbon; set nextmap vstr d5"

set d5 "set g_gametype 0; set duelffa 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "0"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_yavin; set nextmap vstr d6"

set d6 "set g_gametype 5; set duelffa 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "0"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_temple; set nextmap vstr d7"

set d7 "set g_gametype 0; set duelffa 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "0"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_deathstar; set nextmap vstr d8"

set d8 "set g_gametype 3; set duelffa 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_jedi; set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1 //set the start map for custom rotation

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i dont recomend changing anything yet because i am testing it for a much longer time period now and it has developed well. never change settings just after a day. the combat physics are very complex and players grow into it. so give them noobs time(evrybody is a noob at first playing this mod like all other patches heh) and let them adapt to the stronger red stance. i am sure that u will decrease the weaker staces soon after u see what it causes to gameplay. but it hase to develope and grow so dont do any big changes to quick. ok if a particular move is beeing annoying u can nerf it a bit, but just a bit. then see what it does...

if u are owning 2 much0r with red0r then u oughta train some yellow skills dewd!

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One of my regulars is complaining about the removal of the mid-air blue special move (blue forward lunge). Is there a CVAR to allow the mid-air lunge??? Thanks!


I don't think that i've chaged too much. I just increased the blue and yellow stances so that they can compete better against red and it did help.


The invincibility with saber off during FFA is a problem against the integrity of FFA cause if you are getting beat in regular FFA you can just turn your saber off and you are invincible. Its really a new mode of play that has nothing to do with FFA. It will be good when it is actually ready where you cant svore points unless you kill someone in a duel.


But its cool with this setting turned off cause you can play regular FFA and have many duels going on at once. And by turning down saber throw damage and kick damage it really forces people to fight with the sabers.


So bravo on a really good MOD so far!

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about the blue lounge: it was a BUG! and raven fixed it. some regulars complained about alot of stuff on my server too but u have to keep it hard and tough until they learn to deal with it. i cant and wont build any cvars to bring back old bugs! i am no coder and did that thing only with help from others and much enthuisasm. i know that duelffa still doesnt make so much sense at the moment but its still under construction. score points are the lesser features that it needs to be included. i plan on having alliances with other players so that we couldnt damage each other and would even duel other couples or single players! imagine beeing chalanged by a noob couple and then kick their asses all alone! heh

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yeah i think i sent him a mail but did not get an answer. or mabe he answered me and said that he wont share it at that moment due to messy code beeing in development. in the last week i tried to contact many modmakers but had little luck. i will try again on the filesection but dont know exactly how to submit other than send a mail to one of the guys there...

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hey i got something to work what hase been bothering me!

i like this g_jediVmerc game option but it keeps messing around with the teams if turned on. and i dont want to disable weapons totaly. i found in the g_client.c on line 1748 that it forces the players to split in separate groups, one merc the other jedis. thats so stupid! so i put a new variable into the game "splitjvm".

defaults to zero and disables the bugfeature like i called it. can be turned back on tho...

grab the new version from here:


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