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Animation question


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Hi is it possible to edit the animatiosn using a program other than xsi? Why did Lucas Arts have to use such an expensive program. haha i so awnna get xsi though. but i'm low on cash!


so any ideas?

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Raven did all the animations using XSI, they then converted those XSI files to gla (Ghoul2 animation). We have the tool carcass which will take an unanimated XSI file and create a glm (Ghoul2 mesh/model) we have currently _NO WAY_ to convert anything to gla regardless of the animation tool you use.

I made the same mistake assuming that XSI would make everything better but it won't.

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Softimage xsi 2.01 for SOME odd reason isn't expecting the file format (root.xsi). Right now I am trying to get around that. I have found a couple of methods. I am manily looking for quake 3 methods, and applying it to jk2.


If anybody has some input or wishs to help, let me know.


I'm not holding breath though.

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