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Tempest Plug In....HELP

PIo Koon

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alright can anyone help me out?...i look at the install tutorial and it says u have to have Quake 3...is that true? because when i install the Tempest Plug In i get a syntax Error


so if the Tempets Plug-In is the ONLY MD3 importer/exporter for Gmax and u HAVE to have Quake 3...am i just screwed?...


if not where can i find one that will work and not mess my comp up...


PLZ someone help me or tell me what to do...if i don't get an answer my Trebor Coleman model is going to the ****s

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thankx for helping me once and trying to help me again silent..i appreciate it


but Bradfu helped me...i got the folders and stuff but all i needed was the 2 files in the new plug-ins folder...and put it in GMax's plugin folder...so it works now...thankx silent and bradfu

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