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objectives, and how to get them appearing in the datapad


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it's done through scripting. i can't quite remember the script offhand... but the line you would need is in the scripts that came with the second toolset.


as far as making your own goes.... until someone figures out how to add new objectives you just have to modify the existing ones.



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Copy your existing objectives.sp file (from assets0) into your mod's /GameData/your_mod_name/strip/ directory. Open up the new .sp and modify (dont add/delete) whichever ones you want. I would suggest just using kejim_post_obj1 and obj2 for the time being.


Then use a SET/settypes command in your script with code:



When you want an objective to be complete, use a set_objective_succeeded instead... and when you change levels, remember to set_objective_hide the old objectives.

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