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Help Help Help Please Help Me!


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When I join a multiplayer server, it will start to load then when it starts to load the map, the game shuts down and crashes and in the console blinks something like "Unsopported marker type 0xa8". When I look deeper into the console it says this, "Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code" Could this possibly be due to a bad video card or driver?

I am running 98 SE with P4 1.6 Ghz with 256 sdram, NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 (ge force 2 i think) video card and Sound Blaster live 5.1. Although my video card lacks, my system is optimal.

Any ideas or fixes would be greatly appreciated because i cannot figure this one out and am getting fusterated.


-Mix Master

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I have been searching the internet trying to find out what is going wrong with your game but i haven't come up with much except that it has to do with the video and i think the video card trying to read the information from the coding of the game. I'm not sure if it has to do with your card. It's not the type because I have the same one. and I don't think it's the drivers because I haven't updated in a while and my game works fine. Even though I dont have any ideas i posted this so you dont get discouraged and just give up. Your best bet would probably be contacting technical help since they know what sort of problems people have with the game and could probably help you easily.

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