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Multiplayer Model Help...


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I'm new to modeling, and this forum, so I'll make this brief... I'm working on a C3PO model for multiplayer, but when I try to play it in-game, it says something about "Bad or missing bone, or missing animation sequence"... Any ideas...?


Also, if this topic has already been answered in another post, just direct poor little misguided me in that direction... Thanks...





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Okay, I switched the animation files from protocol to humanoid... Is there anything else I should edit...? It doesn't give me the message anymore, but I look like Kyle... Should there be something I should change...? Is it pointed at the wrong image files...?





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There's been a few other people on here that have run into this same problem. Apparently when you run a multiplayer game, jkii won't recognize your model as being valid and then it uses the kyle model as a default replacement. I don't know about everybody, but a few people were able to get past this by packing their pk3 files using a program called PakScape.


The program can be found here



and here's a tutorial on using it.


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Gabriel, you have to weight the model to the humanoid skeleton, which is a pretty daunting task (I believe Kman is also trying this). The problem is the mesh wasn't designed w/ the humanoid skeleton in mind, and thus the arms/legs/body bending the way a humanoid does makes it look totally strange.


If you've gotten around this problem, bravo. I thought about making a C3PO model from scratch, but I'm not experienced enough (yet) with 3DSMax to create a mesh from scratch. The learning curve isn't that bad, but I need to unlearn some of the stuff I learned from autocad ;).

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I managed to get the skin to show up in the game, but it's stretched around, what looks like, Kyle's body... Now, I just need to get the right body on it... Any suggestions...?



I'll be on ICQ (41645094) the rest of the night if anyone wants to drop a suggestion/hint....




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