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Possible new PA


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There seems to be one profession that although I'm sure it is a popular one( though mainly a sole profession) and that is Explorers. I'd like to arrange a PA possibly if people are interested. It'll work like this



Loose leadership, i.e me with people handling exploration on other worlds. 1 leader per world + any people else who are recruited. It'll be mainly exploration for all types of things, we'll aim to have small camps on planets we are exploring with a central base on Naboo. I'm bagging Yavin, for the simple fact that the place is lethal, and I want to plunder the Temples :) I'm pretty sure we can make a packet by exploring places and selling maps to factions as well as certain items.


Why be an explorer? I hear no one cry, well it;ll mix the abilities of all skills together, and remember this, Knowledge is Power.



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