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Problem joining multiplayer battles..please help


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I can't seem to join multiplayer games!

Each time I try to connect, it either says 'server disconnected' or some other kind of error.

I run AOL 7.0 ( :mad: ) on a P1.7 Gig with 256 ram, windows xp.

(No problems at all with JKII performance), on a 56k dial up connection. As a Counterstrike player, i figure my out of the box version isn't enough, and i will need some patches of some sort. I've already downloaded and installed the 1.3 patch. Could anyone give me some help? thanks :)

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Have you downloaded any .pk3 files such as maps? Have you in any way altered any of the original .pk3 files? I had this problem playing on a LAN with a friend. My computer would say server diconnected but his would say "unpure client detected. Invalid .pk3 file referenced." unfortunately it would not say which file so i deleted all my .pk3 files and reinstalled the game. (I say I deleted them because I'm not sure the uninstall will, if you select the "do not deleted saved games" button in the unistaller). After that the game worked fine. The key here is that unless my friends computer was in the same room I would never have known why I couldn't join and would have been in the same quagmire you poor bastards are in. I think Raven should have had more server error messages so the poor shmuck at the other end would know why he couldn't join. Also it would be mighty helpful to know which damn .pk3 file was currupt so that you don't have to delete all of them. Also make sure that if you are running v1.02 that the server is running that version. V1.03 severs will not allow you to join. There is more info on the patches around these forums so you may want to check them out. I hope this helps, if not sorry. You may want to try having someone you know host a MP game and initiate a join on their computer. They should be able to tell you if they see you connecting and why that connection failed. Goodluck!


Another thought:

Make sure you have autodownload set to "yes" in your setup menu as that could also prevent a connection>

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