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Jedi vs. Merc vs. Sith

Darth Knight

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i like it too, in fact i've played on several j vs s vs merc servers, although i've found that very few have the grapple available for mercs, which is sorely needed to make up for the mercs limited mobility. in fact i think i've played a few rounds with you before if thats your in game name. in my opinion this is a whole new genre of the game and have met a few very talented players, although i can say the same for the opposite as well. just tonight i was playing as a merc on a small server, in fact the only merc there, and must have been playing against a couple of completely green newbs because they kept calling me a gun whore and a coward. i took great satisfaction from blowing them to pieces. but just as a general tip for anyone joining these servers...before you open your mouth up to whine, pay attention to what kind of server it is, dumbasses.


ps. the aformentioned n00bs, the Allwhiney $hadow and his partner in all things bitchery BruK/BroK (however you spell it

) are on my 'personal amusement' list

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I played on an FFA one last night, was Jedi vs. Merc...had a blast! It's tougher than I thought it would be to do Merc though, no Force Jump makes things a little difficult :), and since I'm generally a pure-saberist anyway, I found Jedi very much to my liking, especially the fact that we have no choice but to use sabers :). However, against a merc with a Rocket Launcher, there really is no defence :D .

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