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Something Killed my FPS!


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A few days ago I installed Morrowind on my PC. I couldn't run the game because my video drivers were too old.


I went to nVIDIA's site (I use a nVIDIA TNT2-M64) to get the new drivers, which was a Detonator XP.


I installed the Detonator XP and Morrowind was working. After I was done with Morrowind I wanted to see how the new drivers affected JK2. Supposidly I would see a "30-50% Speed Increase" on any game.


Ironically my FPS is about half as average as it was, and in some spots, it even drops to 15-20 FPS.


I used to average about 80 FPS in some spots, now it's about 50 FPS.


And in a few spots on some maps it drops to 20, which is VERY annoying during saber duels to have my FPS constantly changing from 70 to 20..


In trying to fix it I reinstalled my video drivers, I deleted Morrowind, and reinstalled JK2.


I've changed every setting in my video card settings and my settings in JK2.


Whatever the problem is, it looks easily fixed, but I just don't know how.


Any help?




A few of my friends had the same problem as me when they installed the Detonater XP. They just reinstalled their video drivers and it was fixed.. It doesn't work for me.


Just to show what I mean by "some spots" where the framerate drops, look here:




It's weird because I think the game is seeing the textures and stuff behind the building infront of me, as if I'm looking at them directly. Since my video card is only a GF2 it goes choppy when I see it all.. But I'm not looking at all of that, only a side of a building.


Is there a setting to turn off the "Super-Man" seeing my video card is doing?!


...Ignore the black sky, thats there because I was messing with my ingame video settings :p

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Oh no, an average of 50 fps with it sometimes dropping down to 20 fps. That must be so terrible for you.







Ok, now to a serious note. If you are runnig Windows XP then you should try the driver rollback featrue that restores your previos driver and settings.


However since you already tried to reinstall your old drivers maually it might just restore the Detonater XP drivers.


Your best bet would probably be to use system restore.



The help text in windows XP on using these features are pretty easy to understand but if you need any help just post another repley.

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Oh no, an average of 50 fps with it sometimes dropping down to 20 fps. That must be so terrible for you.


If you had been playing with 50 FPS for the past 4 months and all of a sudden it started to drop to 15 FPS here and there, you would be pissed off too.


It's impossible to play if my FPS is fluctuating between 50 and 15 constantly.

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DUDE!! I'd give anything for a 50fps average!! My average is about 10fps and in a big fight it can go down to 2-3fps! You people with the fancy-pants video cards can be so ungrateful! In an empty room it might occasionally go up to 20fps. You have not even tasted bad framerates. If you really want to appreciate your fancy Nvidia card, go out an buy a Voodoo3 and play with that for a while.

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nVIDIA GeForce2 TNT2-M64..


Fancy Pants? It's a piece of ****.


You can buy my video card for like $20 now.


Just cuz your too stupid to buy a new 1 and your probably using the ****ty no brand that came defaultly with your PC that you paid $6,000 for someone else to build.

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