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**double Bladed Lightsaber**


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In case you didn't know about this, there is a double Bladed saber built into the game. Host a multiplayer game and in console ("shift" and "~") then, type devmapall [name of map] IE: devmapall ffa_bespin. You are now hosting a map with cheats turned on. Now, with your lightsaber drawn, BUT NOT INGNITED, pull down the console again and type: /thedestroyer and you'll have a double light saber!


This will only last as long as you live, once you die, then you'll have to type in /thedestroyer again. Since you'll probably never find a server with cheats enabled, you'll probably never get to try this online. But you can at least try it out.




Have fun!:D


the destoryer cometh!

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Is there anyone who knows how to add the double saber to multiplayer as say one of the features of the map? I was thinking of recreating the tatooine battle with Darth Maul but I would like it if when you ran the map, you could choose to be Darth Maul and use the Double light saber. Since I haven't actually made this map yet, anyone is free to use this idea. I would just like to play it. I think there is a model or prefab of Amidala's royal ship, so it wouldn't be too hard to make all the back ground. But a skin of Darth Maul and Qui Gon would also be needed. Does anyone know of either of these skins already made?

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