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The Flying Backstab?

Darth Gecko

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The mid-air stab backwards is no real secret. I've used it a couple of times and I do find it quite handy. The bottom line is people who intend to try a normal jumping head-on attack against and experienced saber duelist should expect to get shafted some way or another. In fact, this technique with the stab backwards or swipe is quite legal because the only requirement is that someone only need be right behind you when you execute it. There's no rule stating that it couldn't be done in mid air anyway. As for the wild spinning technique, that's just wrong. I believe the yawspeed level should be limited within reasonable boundaries. I'm sure that, none of you, as well as I, enjoy ludicrous spinning either when executing a stab backwards or any other swing variation for that matter. Those are just my "two cents" on this subject. In case any of you feel the need to spin at ridiculously high speeds, here's the script those guys use: cl_yawspeed "x" (Substitute a number for "x"). This command doesn't effect your mouse which would explain people being able to do wild spins and fight normally, in case you were wondering. This command utilizes the directional arrow keys on the "keyboard" not the "keypad" or numerical portion of the keyboard to the very right.



-Darth Vitruvio

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i didn't read thru all the posts, so this may have been answered already, but here's the real story:


1. Flying backstabs: i think some1 did explain this... a backstab can be done in mid air - the ONLY prerequisite for backstab is that the person is close behind you and you push back + attack... so, if you jump at them and turn 180 degrees or simply jump over them and are in mid air behind them, you can push back + attack and you WILL execute a backstab in mid air... nothing special, really, just timing + practice.


2. spin moves: these are really cheap, but also easy to do. you can do them just by moving your mouse in a circular motion (you might have to lift it up and put it back down if you're running out of mouse pad), but this won't be very quick... the fastest way to do it is to bind a key to adjust your "yaw speed"... increase the yaw speed to a very large number and moving your mouse to the side a little bit will turn your character in circles A LOT. so, you can either bind a (toggeable) key to change the yaw speed back and forth and then move the mouse, or just have the bind do it for you by also including the "+right" (or "+left") command in the key bind.


3. push and pull are complicated. basically, if they have a higher level of push/pull than you, or you are low on force, or you are doing anything besides standing still or are not facing them, you will be very vulnerable to an experienced force user. i don't feel like getting into detail on this, as it's a bit lengthy to explain...


a few tricks however - if you are pulled/pushed and you block it, the instance while you block, you are vulnerable to any attack. so, 1 exploit is to throw your saber and as it flys towards an opponent (who would normally block it w/ ease) push or pull them. they will block the push/pull but (w/ proper timing), your thrown saber will hit them (as they will be vulnerable).


one thing i've also seen, is some1 tapping the force grip button to just pick up and immediately drop the enemy... the enemy will also be momentarily vulnerable (holding their throat) after this choke, and a number of attacks (including pushes/pulls) can be used.


there's also the pull + kick combo (a way to execute a kick from a large distance)... and, don't forget that if you can be invisible (mind trick) that some1 might be pulling you from places you don't even see...


anyway, there's plenty of exploits in this game that IMO ruin the force play... that's why i now pretty much stick to no force servers :)

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a few tricks however - if you are pulled/pushed and you block it, the instance while you block, you are vulnerable to any attack. so, 1 exploit is to throw your saber and as it flys towards an opponent (who would normally block it w/ ease) push or pull them. they will block the push/pull but (w/ proper timing), your thrown saber will hit them (as they will be vulnerable).


I don't necessarily think the vulnerability during a force block is a bug, nor an exploit (as it is one of the few ways to snipe someone when they have their saber drawn besides waiting for them to attack or shooting them in the back :rolleyes: ), but I do agree with what you're saying about that saber throw combo; folks will do just about anything to score a hit on a player nowadays, even if this isn't nearly as bad as some of the other things listed. No offense to those that use this, but it's the truth. :)


Just my $.02 in the matter.


Now then, for the main topic of this thread, my experience is it is mainly at the hands of a script (bind key "+left, +back, +attack" most likely coupled with bind key "cl_yawspeed #." I'm listing it here now since the latter will not work in 1.04 and, well, the first one will likely do less damage if they use the source code I'm thinking of), although some people have mastered it on their own. Mainly, it's the next evolution of backstabbers as they moved from pull-BS to kick-BS to the present. Anything for a free kill, right? :rolleyes:




On a side note, we can see if 1.04 fixes this. It's about damn time anyway. :D


Merc out. :fett:

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