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Ultimate Frustrated!! BUT I LOVE JK2!!


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Wanna know something? I am really into jk2. I played with bots for quite some time until my friend told me to play on the internet..


what can I say, I have a 56k modem, sure rocks, but my imaginations and pride were buried deep 111 feet underground. I get like 600-800 pings and the max ping status in many servers are killing me!!!!!!!


If you guys know how to get ping down free, tell me, I will salute u. I read about changing the opengl32.dll file from windows....

nAY!! no work for me!


I have a :

1.7 GHZ com

32 Graphics Card

256 RAM



SO, you know what I DO?>???


I go to cyber cafes and whack the people there and tell em how much I love the ping



ping..ping...PING pong pling ping!!!

This is driving me crazy!!!

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