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I'm back with Egypt! (wip)

The Truthful Liar

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Well, it's been a while since my last showing and I've moved onto my 2nd egyptian map - intended for duels only.



Can you say Doom 3? :D


Here are a couple shots for the techie people, showing r_speeds:


Maximum r_speeds

Not too bad..


Average r_speeds

Normally it can average between 1.3 and 1.6..


I'm planning on adding a central stage and torches around the pillars, perhaps also some extra egyptian models or a tomb to spicen things up :cool:


Cheers ;)

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Normally it can average between 1.3 and 1.6..

That's not the vital number there, really. :p The more important is the total tris count (which is maxed from these pics at 7412)... which is still very good. That'll keep a very good framerate (assuming you don't have too many shaders or particle effects) even if it was FFA.


Which it isn't! Which makes it even better. :p

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Okay, here's some updates - I added a central fighting area OVER the water (yes I realize the water has that wierd black&white default texture, don't ask why :p) and the corners are now filled with towers and torches :D



Here you can see a great shot of the new platform and also the white water *sigh*


Top View


Top/Side view - with R_speeds, and yes this the highest it gets!!


Map almost done... time to play :)

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