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how do you make usable pk3 fles?


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i'm trying to add my own soundtrack to some of these custom levels out there, but everytime i put the file back into .pk3, they don't work. now most of these levels kick ass, but i want different music in them. thanx!

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a few things you have to consider first... first off if you want to add music to your map try to make it a small loop... I not only map but i co-own and run a server so i will tell you why...

most map files use the music that already comes with the game for a reason...Size.. and no matter what any female says.. size does matter. lets just say someone logs on to my server and they are on 56k... or even broadband for that matter... i cap my dl speed at 8kb a sec. a map usually ranges from 300kb to 1.2mb.

those sizes take you about 5 min to dl or less.. even on 56k.. no biggie. now,...if you add music is makes your map about 5 to 6 mb. problem is no matter how good the map.. people will usually not bother to dl it becasue it will take too long...

but here is how you do it in case you dont believe me..


go into your pk3 and put a file that says music


put you song in there.. test.mp3


in your map in worldspawn


type in music for key

and in value put music/test.mp3


keeping the paths the same from where you put your music in your pk3...and where the path is directed to in your map file.

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go into your pk3 and put a file that says music


put you song in there.. test.mp3


in your map in worldspawn


type in music for key

and in value put music/test.mp3


keeping the paths the same from where you put your music in your pk3...and where the path is directed to in your map file.



(i'm new at this. can you translate that into english?


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I've already said what you have to do, in english.

Reread my posts, and if you don't get it, reread it again(and again and again and again)

Then do a search for pakscape.

Get v. 11.

Then reread my instrucions again.





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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I thought it was in plain english... ok really simple... a program has paths... it always follows a path... gvotop dos and type in .. 10 ? "im an Idi*t"

20 gosub 10


everytkind of programming follows a logical path.. in the case of a map... you need to tell the map where to look for the file and ion a place where the game knows where it is..... hence having a file in your pk3 that says music for the title... look at the recources thread that is sticky and goto a link that has the word bubbas in it.. then download pakscape... if it stioll dont make sense take the duel of fates map and open the .pk3 file and look how its structured... i do not know how to be any cleare.

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your info is good.... for me to poop on!! but seriously. all *sighs* aside there techno wonder boy, could you explain the finer points like "worldspawn" how do you enter values, etc. or since you probably don't want to waste time helping lesser mortals like myself., is there a tutorial to familiarize oneself with such things?

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not that we do not want to take the time to tell you but we have tried two different ways... not trying to flame either.. we were new once also.. goto the FAQ sticky or the resources thread at the top.. both have alot of tutoriaql links... some of which i personally put there before i had it amde into a sticky... bubbas tutorias are pretty good... what you really need is a Q3a tutorial... as there arent any out but rich diesels and hes not finished it seems... both programs use radient as its editor so you can relate what you read in one of those to jk2... there are only slight differences... almost all beginner questions have answers posted somwhere or linked to somewhere in those 2 posts... i hope this helps.

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If you have the .map file, you can do whatever you want.

But most mappers don't do that.

If you want, you could check out the name of the current mp3, and just rename the one you want to use to that...



ok i did that, but when the music triggers it tells me that --unable tofind music as explicit track or dynamic music entry--- what does that mean? :confused:

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it means that for some reason the path to the file is not correct.. make sure you have the song in a file called music in your base folder or in your .pk3... it knows your looking for music now but when it goes to where it thinks it should be... it is not finding the file in the right place.

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hmm....ok well here is what i did. the sp level "ladder" ya pop that open and inside there is a music file, right? and one of the songs is called "smack" so i deleted it and renamed the new file "smack" and reinserted it. now after i did that, the level popped up and i got that error message. if the file is the same name as its predecessor than how is the path wrong. thanks for your help by the way,yrean.

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