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What is the player's name in relation to scripts?


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Help me, please! I can't get any scripts to directly affect the player (ie - me) because I don't know how to address him! To put it another way, if I wanted to command an NPC, I just give it an NPC_targetname. But obviously that can't be done with the player.... I've tried kyle, munro, player, nothing seems to work! Please help me, my maps are at a huge obstacle here!

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If you want a script to run on the player's spawn, create a target_scriptrunner and target the info_player_start at it (not the other way around).


In the script itself, you can state global variables however you want (showobjectives, etc), but anything directly affecting the player must be in a affect() clause targetted at "kyle".


For example...


affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


set ( "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", "3" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", "2" );




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Thanks, I've got most things working now, with the notable exceptions of the print command (just never works) and the camera functions, which no matter how I arrange them, just go into camera mode then immediately go out of it again, ignoring any commands in between. Any further ideas are of course welcome.....

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Originally posted by la$her

Thanks, I've got most things working now, with the notable exceptions of the print command (just never works) and the camera functions, which no matter how I arrange them, just go into camera mode then immediately go out of it again, ignoring any commands in between. Any further ideas are of course welcome.....


If your'e having trouble with cutscenes (I assume thats what you mean with cameras)


Then check out this tutorial




And this tutorial




For some good cutscene tutorials.

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