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Key losing their binds


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I ma having trouble keeping my keys bound. Every once and awhile I will lose my binds. Force powers, attacks, whatever. It seems completely random. At least a few times a day. And always when I need them most. All of a sudden my main attack button wont work. And when I check the Controls I see "???" for the place of the key. Then I fix it and a few minutes later another will go away.

Anyone had this problem before?



Kaito Fett

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:( I've had similar problems when running Quake 3 and of course, JKII. I've fixed my file, immediately got out of the game, verified my edits or binds with wordpad (or similar) and made a copy of the file in another directory. In Quake, I had to make the edits directly in wordpad instead of the console (trickier if you're not sure of what to add). I've also bound a key to restore my edits because quake has a mouse issue. Regardless, make your backup copy in case. I have also found that using any of the other commands to open Jedi OTHER than the default menu causes my config to be reset. So always use that.



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