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New Imp. PA


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Me and a few other Loyal Imperials ;) have decided to create a PA more or less depending on game play based on the Secret Order from the Tie Fighter game. No it wont be some cheap rip off, least ill try my best to make sure its not.


Heres a list of Postions and jobs and such.


Starfighter Command. (when exp. comes out) Commander-

Colonel Wraith Von Izzen


Naval Command. (Ditto, means big ships)




Outside releations-


so far this is it. there be more thoguh and as a PA we will do our best to help players purchase Equip, starships ect. as long as they prove them selves loyal of course.





So if your

A. A hard line Imperial

B. Decent Role Player

C. lots of mone.... err scrap C

D. Ability to be Active, of course I understand not having time.


Pretty much jus tthose so if your interasted head over to the PA's and check out "The Secret Order" and post a short Bio here on email it to me.

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