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what model do you use?


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Cheshire's Darth Maul,


My friend has softimage (he's a model designer) so he is gonna mess around untill he can make a new animation to replace the spinning move in the yellow stance,so he jumps off the ground a bit and spins (episode 1 style),i doubt he'll let me have it tho... *pouts and hopes....*




:dmaul3: + :dsaber: = Fun.

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Originally posted by SithBrakiss

Cheshire's Darth Maul,


My friend has softimage (he's a model designer) so he is gonna mess around untill he can make a new animation to replace the spinning move in the yellow stance,so he jumps off the ground a bit and spins (episode 1 style),i doubt he'll let me have it tho... *pouts and hopes....*


Bzzzzt not gonna happen. XSI is all very well and good but how, praytell are you going to export and append to the gla format?

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