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Major Problem with JK SP


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Ive a problem all of a sudden with the Sp player version of this game...


Every thing has been working fine untill about a hour ago. Im hoping one of u brainy ppl out there can help me..


All of a sudden im gettin the following message at the tope of the loading console :


File name length > Max_Qpath {strlen{Bots file //////////// }


well i cant get the game to run thats as far as the console goes.


any help would be very helpful indeed pissed of i cant play

MP player runs ok but some of the maps crashes the program..


Install it three times to no avail the same problem accuses...




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I don't know the value of Max_Qpath but Windows allows paths upto 260 characters (well, that's what _MAX_PATH is #defined as in my compiler).


But if the sanity checks in jk2 impose a shorter path then

c:\program files\lucasarts\blah blah blah\long file name.ext

might exceed it.


Try renaming a portion of the jk2 path to something shorter.


You can't rename "Program Files" as that'll screw up every installed app. But try shortening "LucasArts\Jedi Knight Outcast" to "LA\jk2" or something. Simply use Windows Explorer - right click a directory name and "Rename..." it.


jk2 doesn't need to be in "Program Files" so you could drag and drop the whole lot to "c:\games" for starters.


I've no idea if this will work but it's the first thing I'd try. Bare in mind if you change the directory names you will need to edit the shortcuts/menu properties to match.




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I'm getting this error also. I've only played multiplayer since getting the game earlier this week. I decided to give SP a shot and can't even get it to load.


It doesn't make sense to be the directory structure if I can play the MP but not the SP.


"I'm so confused."

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Hrm? Oh, this one is usually an easy fix - many components (maps, skins, custom sabers - the whole nine yards) available for MP don't work in SP, so the easiest way to solve this problem is to relocate them to a temporary folder or rename their extensions. Once you've done that, SP should run. Should it continue to fail, try enabling "Show Hidden Files" on your PC and search again, and if it still fails afterwards, you might want to reinstall the game.


Just my $.02. :cool:

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