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Council of the Jedi (for the ELITE or to be trained ELITE)

Baby Yoda

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Please do not feel lessened to join from the clan or my name on this.


Greetings all who read this I am the leader of this new clan that will accept all people who try no matter what of there skills. If you are intrested please visit our site at http://www.angelfire.com/theforce/councilofthejedi this wont be our permanent so dont worry because this one sucks.And many of the items will change.I will be taking council members so dont hesitate to join. This offer wont be for long.We also want skilled players to make the ultimate clan for JK2 to go against all those who bother you. If you are not good then when our clan is big I will start trainning people.If you dont want to look at the site please contact me at Aceano@msn.com


This is the structure

12 council members


Jedi Knights

Jedi Apprentice

Jedi Padawan

Jedi Students

The the overseer of each groups will be a senator in the senate.There will be a new Supreme Chancellor each month. Or if he/she is not capable there will be a vote.The senate is here for listening to the comments of the different groups and then the Supreme Chancellor will deliver the issues and things brought up in the senate to the Jedi Council. The Jedi Council will then have the final word on what to do. If people reject to this then structure will be made differently. So as the name of the clan.

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