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Darth Jello

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well ok, lets say i have a switch to open a door... how do i make it so the door stays open for like 8 seconds?


i tried wait but all that does is how many seconds b4 you can press teh switch again :(


and, if you have a room, how do you duplicate it (CTF)


wheres rich when you need him:rolleyes: :rolleyes::D

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Jello, just select all the brushes without closing the one before it, and make you select ALL the brushes (Ceilings & Floors Are Easy To Miss). Then, click "Clone" or click "Copy" and then click "Paste". I've found that "Clone" just does copy & paste in one click! :) Then you will have the new, duplicated, room overlapping the original, move all the brushes in the duplicated room to where you want them. When you clone or copy and your brushes they will automatically be selected when you paste it.


If it's important in your map, make sure the duplicated room is exactly the same length from the floor as your original. This will cause problems if you have paths or other brushes connecting to the room. That would cause the room to have small extra brushes to connect the paths correctly making it look ugly. :(


Hope I helped! :)

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