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Post Bountys and Servers that suck!


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One day I was playing JK2 and then some ******* came by.(...Well,He wasnt a assfighter, but he was killing everyone on the team...)So, I got pissed off and made this post and BLAH BLAH BLAH....




Bitch ass nigga

!jedi admin!


Servers that suck:

ALWAYS ONLINE CTF! Owner is: !jedi admin!



I got more to add when these bitches come around.

If you ever get a chance,tell !jedi admin! to unban me.If you want to know why read this:One day, I was playing The server ALWAYS ONLINE CTF! It was my favorite server.The admin was de.aeroshift.The guy that sold the server to de.aeroshift was named, !jedi admin! Since he had sold the server, he knew the rcon passowrd and the configurations.So, I accidently shot the the person that sold the server, and(HE ****ED HIS ****ING MAMA HE IS AN ******* MOTHER ****ER GAY ASS BITCH THAT SUCKS HIS MOTHERS PLASTIC COCK)he banned me for shooting him on accident.


If you were there, watching, you'll see why i got so ****ING mad.

The thin I want you to do is,KEEP ON KILLIGN THERE ****ING ASSES.If you kill !jedi admin! alot, he might ban you.If he does, please telll me.I want you to tell !jedi admin to unban me for no ****ing reasopn like teh little bitch !jedi admin! is.He messed around with a server that wasnt evenn his.He says he owns http://www.mysysadmin.com WOW,ISNT HE A DUMBASS!??!??

Post bountys and servers and other things (categorys)of what you wnat to do to them.example:Bountys,Servers that suck...

Ty if you do what I want you to do.If you do it, post it here...

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