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oh Richhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Darth Jello

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a good trick for getting elevator height is to make a brush that runs parralel to your elevator shaft with the top of it at your elevators top stop point and the bottom end at your elevators start point and then press q to se what its z dimension is


thats my technique anyhow


about the csg subtract, i use it all the time, i dont quite know why everyone says not to though, maybe im missing something important

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Generally speaking, CSG isn't bad at all except in the hands of a newb. You should never ever use CSG subtract until you fully understand it. A lot of people try to do things like cut cubes out of the middle of 20 sided brushes and cut primitives out of other primitives and all sorts of awful horrible things. Thus, until you've made 2 or 3 (good) maps without it, I don't think you should use it at all. :)


In any case...


Holes for doorways: http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/gc101lsn7.html

Platform height: http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/br201lsn6.html


All this for tutorial links, sheesh. :p

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