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Male Zabrak WIP - screenshots


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GOOD question about the sounds... so far he's been using the Jedi1 sounds, which are kinda weak, albeit fitting; he IS a Jedi after all. I'll have to think about that, but I have until the end of the week probably before he's finished.


I know what I want to do with the tattoos now, and I'm going to try to get them done tonight unless I get a phonecall I'm expecting ^_^ I'm going with angular but not rigid, and I've come up with a few other ideas too. I have to kill the loopish thing I have on the hinge of his jaw since I stole that directly from the concept art of Galaxies. I've got enough of an idea what else to do that I'm going to just run with it and see how it looks. Maybe some new screens tonight.


As for a green Maul, I'm sorry to say I have to decline. I've got a lot of projects I want to get started on, and I've still got several days to go on this project alone; once I'm done with this guy, I've got to finish the blue skin up and then start the red. I'm considering doing an entirely different outfit for red, to try to learn to do some other types of fabric, which means I'm going to need quite a bit of time. Also, I've got something I want to try with one of the skins, which could either look really dumb or really great. Either way, I'll tell everyone after the fact, so that I can at least laugh at myself before anyone else if it turns out to be bad ^_^

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Quick update. Wow, tattoos are a pain, because I keep changing my mind about them.


Anyway, I've decided not to release team skins at this time. While it'd be fun [especially the red one; I was planning on doing him without a shirt under the jacket so that I could show off some chest tattoos] I think I'll simply release those later as a separate pack. There's no reason, as far as I know, that you cannot have a pack that only contains team skins, yes?


For now, I want to concentrate on hammering out the bugs in the current skin. I might trash the head and begin again, since that worked so well with the clothing; besides, I'm having difficulties properly blending the neck and head, and this way I shouldn't have any problems if I use the same technique exactly. I have tomorrow off from work, so I still hope to submit the file to jediknightii.net by Sunday. Still giving some thought to sounds, although I might still just go with the default Jedi sounds.


Also, for those interested, I'll be including some character info by the time I release the skin too.


There might be a new update tonight, but I just got my hands on the prologue to Crossroads of Twilight, and it'll be pretty damn hard to pry myself away from that ^_^

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I think I just have to accept that the lighting in JO sucks. In some lights, different meshes line up perfectly. Flesh looks like all one [relative] color, and it blends nicely.


And in other light it looks like crap.


That said, I've completely changed the idea for his shirt, and am working on making it look even remotely real now. which isn't that easy. The tattoos are now being done by pen instead of paintbrush, and I have to say I actually like what I have so far. They extend down to what little chest he's showing, but that means it crosses three meshes and still lines up; that if nothing else is cause for me to be proud, I think. They will eventually wrap around his entire head.


For some reason, he looks older than he originally did. Which is funny, because out-of-game, I always thought the face looked really old. So to match, his character story is changing. He'll just be an older Jedi, possibly a Master, instead of a newly raised Knight ^_^


I said it before, but I'm almost certain I'm decided, that without modelled hair, I'm going to leave my Zabrak bald.


Oh right, one change I'm planning his hand tattoos. Since so far he's the only Zabrak without gloves on, I can really do that and be uniquely, uhm, special or something. Yeah.


I might still finish him by tonight, but I'm beginning to have doubts. Took too much time off for video games, what can I say? At the very least, I should post new screenshots so I can point out what has changed.

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Right, that was mentioned higher up, that Zabrak have hair about as often as humans do. But since the model doesn't have hair [it was meant for Darth Maul, after all] then I think my character really won't either. I'm still going to play around with it, though, just to see how it looks.


Oh, he's got a name now! Derith Aal, Jedi Knight. Maybe Master; he does look kind of old like I think I mentioned. His undershirt was replaced with a gi-like garment that many Jedi seem to wear, but it looks kind of flat. It's my first attempt at something like that, so I'll take any suggestions I can get. I might get rid of the second layer, so I can show off more of his chest and thus have room for the tattoos there. It's hard to see, but what tattoo there is there is quite distorted because of how close to the mesh's edge it is. Not only that, but it'll be one less layer to have to add depth too ^_^ He has new eyes, which I can't remember if I mentioned, but they're really not clear in this. Oh, and I've progressed further in the tattoos, so maybe by tomorrow I'll have a good pic of that. The freehand pen tool and the selection tool are definately my friends. I don't think I'd ever be happy with the tattoos if I didn't have that.


Anyway I'm sure at least some of you are tired of hearing me babble about the skin, so Il'l shut up now and just show the damn pic :)



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It's coming off very womanly now.


I suggest, adding some wrinkles to the skins face, Not too many

but just give it a older than 1 month look.


Lips - wow, little dark.


Horns - they need some texture.


I'm sure you still working on this stuff but I'm just trying to point

out stuff that I see.


GJ on it so far.


may the force be with you

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I'll take all the feedback I can get.


Sadly you're right, he is looking a bit womanly now. Dunno when that happened : / His lips are a continual work-in-progress since I didn't want to use the teeth someone else made, and there's no way I can make teeth of my own. I have gotten a bit better with them, but it still need work. The horns will be minimally textured - look at Eeth Koth, and you'll see that normal Zabrak horns are fairly smooth and monochromatic.


If things don't work out well enough, I think I'll go back to the old head... and if the mouth really continues to suck [no pun intended] then I'm going to ask Kman [i think he did the skin whose teeth I temporarily stole] if I can use just that portion. I didn't want to though; I wanted it to be 100% my own, but the mouth just is not looking right.

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I agree with Darth, and it looks GREAT. The body looks good and the old tattoes (which I thought werent bad) looked good on him too. Dont worry soon he will be done and can look back and chuckle at the problems you are having now, maybe not......either way you should release him beczuse I would love to have him replace someone in SP :D G/L!

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As far as the tattoos go, I guess I'm just picky. Time to get back to those, I guess.


Oh, and when I release him, he'll have full SP, MP and bot support. No team support; I may do that again later, since the blue version is already done for the most part. What I'll do then is release a second pk3 with no SP, bot or default skin. Anyway, back to work!

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