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Need help with elevator


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ok here's a question.. I am trying to use train for elevator.. here is what i got..


base of elevator targeted to t1(t1 is touching the base like tutorial)


t1 targeted to t2


t2 targeted to t3


t3 targeted to t4


t4 targeted to t5


t5 targeted to t6


t6 targeted to t1


**all the t's are corners and they go perfectly up in a straight line**


**elevator base, t1 threw t5 all have an angle of up**


**t6 has an angle of down to go back down to t1**


during testing none of it shows up.. can anyone help me fix whatever it is that needs fixing..

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it doesnt work with angles you just target the last one to the first one to make it return back down


but then i think it would loop it continously so you might hjave to do something tricky like use a target deactivate on the first path_corner when th elevator get back there top stop it sending it on to the next one


if its not working at all, do u have a trigger that starts the elevator moving?

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