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Professional Clan looking For Professional players


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Hey people how's it goin, now down to business. I run a clan <[LSA]> that has been performing very excellent in duel servers and in FFA servers. Now a few of our member's have decided to leave us, which means we are taking on new members. My clan is represented by 22 people ranging from 15-24, goin from Cali-germany there's no reason why u shouldn't at least try to go out for this clan. The things we don't tolerate is an ass-fighter, or un-grateful fighters.

IE: hitting while down, attacking while the talkbox is over head and such.

But if you apply you will be tested by me. Keep in mind it's all in good fun. Just post a reply and i'll catch it. Hope you guy's will give it a shot.

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I am interested in at least trying out for your order. After playing for several months, I have tried to help others learn and fight with honor when treated with honor. I can also increase your age range of 15-24 to 15-32. Let me know where and when you would like to duel me. I look forward to the challenge. Have a great day! :jawa

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the Light Saber Association

if u play on DUEL or FFA server's u might have played us but our server is MYSTIC'S HOUSE O' PAIN. I know it's in caps it's just to accent the name not to be yelling. I allow 6 ppl in the game including myself. If I'm in there and u come in and you're not interested in joining this clan that's fine, i'll play you, but i won't hold back. This is directed towards n e 1 who comes into my server. Cuz many ppl have tried to beat me and failed. Like the bar under this says.

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