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My graphics card is not found and wont run in 3D

Nice Saber

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I have been playing JK2 until recently when the game said I had no 3d Hardware. I have not changed my hardware, a Geforce 2 pro 64MB ram. I have reinstalled tje detonator drivers for it (old and new) and reinstalled DirectX 8.1. Despite this, when using DXDiag, I am told that Direct Draw and AGP texture accleration are not avilable, although Direct 3D accleration is avilable. I am running Win2k. This all worked before, any ideas, anyone?

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Thanks for your help. I fixed the probem in the end using net meeting! After doing some research I found that theere appears to e some sort of bug when running net meetin gthat disables 3D Hardware accleration.


To fix the problem, you have to start netmeeting and run the remote desktop sharing wizard, once you have done that, you then diable it and its done.


if anynoe needs clarification over this, rpely to this thread

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