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Going insane... HELP please???

Bilbo Skywalker

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Hi if anyone can help i'd appreciate it!!

I used to play multiplayer all the time the only problem being that i could only access about two servers; swedenforce being one.

All the other servers tried to load something like "base/"- some kind of file, i couldn't even get an 'awaiting gamestate' message. Because this would always say download time: 20mins i cancelled and went back to sweden force.

Eventually i decided to dload one of these files, once i did i couldn't access any servers, so i deleted it. Now most servers will load up but either crash as soon as i begin saying server disconnected or some kind of error message- 'bad animation', 'error 101 unknown' and some others.

Im using cable connection, no other programs running. Gforce2, 512 ram, 1.53 ghz on an athlon xp 1800.

Anyone any ideas?!?!

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i can't help much but i do have an idea. mine does the same thing as yours. i would only load a few servers and on the others it would crash after i've been sittting there waiting for it to load. somethan that u could press to get u out of the crash is alt+F4. but a difference between our computers is that mine is a low-end pc and i'm running on 56k. i'm surprise that ur having this problem w/ ur high-end pc. anyways if u do get a solution please email me at yoshidoshi123@hotmail.com and let me kno how to fix this. thanxz a bunch!

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