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Jedi Runner


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I've been wanting to learn how to set up a server for the longest time so i came here and i found it to be pretty complicated. I was looking around in the forums when someone mentioned jedi runner, which automatically sets up your server for you. Well I put in all the options and stuff, and i clicked ok. The console came up and then all of a sudden it stopped. Is there something that i have to do after that? Or am i doing something wrong? Help im' stumped, and my friend needs to learn saber moves bad :confused: Thank you for any help you can give.

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you say when the console box comes up it stops? what do u mean by that, does it close itself?


"create server doesn't work for me either for some reason." - why? what happens? does the game quit and a console window come up? if it works one of the last lines you should see would be "Sending heartbeat to masterjk2.ravensoft.com"



A listen server is a non-dedicated server, where you get to play on the server. eg. u go into the game and create it non-dedicated and the game loads up with u in it. Listen servers arn't listed on the master lists. But there's ways to get it listed mentioned in previous threads.

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  • 2 weeks later...

there is a problem with Jedi Runner 3 and Jedi Knight 1.04.


if you use Jedi runner to setup a server...it disables one move in paticular...

it disables the saber shield move...ya know the saber spinning around you.



dont know why.

hope u runner guys are reading.

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if you use Jedi runner to setup a server...it disables one move in paticular...

it disables the saber shield move...ya know the saber spinning around you.


Are you sure this isn't a client side thing? If you only have 2 force points in saber throw you can't do it without moving about...or maybe they just took it out in the 1.04 patch...

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well i rcon into my server and got this for the g_maxforcerank (server booted with jedi runner 3.0):


"g_maxForceRank" is:"0^7" default:"6^7"





this is what i got for g_maxforcerank (server booted without jedi runner 3.0):


"g_maxForceRank" is:"7" default:"6"



hmm...please advise.


again my problem is jedi runner disables saber shield move.

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