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remote admin for linux


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I'm some what new to linux and have managed to setup a jk2 and Ef server but what i really want to do is control it from my windows computer. I have redhat 7.2 and would really apreciat help on how i get a remote admin going and what programs to use. The simple and easyer the better.:D


I would prefer to do it via a Lan and internet connection but Lan would be just fine.

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Here's what I do. Set up SSH on your server, since it's more secure than telnet, and just SSH into your RH box with an SSH client from the windows computer, I use Putty for example, but any will do. you're going to want to follow these directions posted by madrebel on the Linux how to post:


"If you want to be cool, you know you want to be cool. Launch the game using screen. Screen allows you to telnet/ssh into your server and attach to your servers "screen" just like youre at the console.


do this. In the user or in roots home type.


touch jk2

chmod +x jk2


open the file jk2 in your favorite editor. add these lines


cd /usr/local/games/jk2/

screen -A -m -d -S jk2 ./jk2ded +exec server.cfg +map ffa_bespin


now all you ahve to do to launch the game is go to the directory that you created the file jk2 in (remember touch jk2 created a text tile) and type in




notice it dumps you back to a prompt, doesnt look like it did anything does it. just type screen -r jk2 and bamm youre in your servers console. To detach from screen hold down control and hit a then d. "


: This is what I do and it works very well. Thank you MadRebel!

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