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Ladders n Leagues All Clans must read


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Well I figure no better place to post then the place we all love and adore jediknightii.net. Well here is my major issue. I've been through several small gaming clans and been to many sites. One major flaw i have noticed in JK2 clans which is non of our faults is the lack of competition. Aside from the occasional clan challenge and several various dying ladders there is no distinct place for competition. Doom UT and CS for example had great ladders such as the Proving Grounds. JK2 clans have yet to decide on 1 or 2 ladders where clans and individual players for that matter can play and prove themselves. The lack of compeititon is killing the game and several people have left clans and or the game altogether. If JK2 wants to stand up against the "big boys" of the fps scence they by far need the support of its players. The ladders currently are filled with people who aren't playing and the largest amount of wins in a team ffa is ending around 2. Well In conclusion I wanna ask all the clans to give their input on this issue. What gaming league should we a mass at because all these littles ones is just not working. THe one with most potential is clantourney.com I suggest more people joining this one however there is a mass of people on it just no way plays it. If you are serious about playin join if not don't join. Personally i'm looking for a good team nf ffa. THey have several clans just no one challenging anyone. My clan is soon to sign up. If your registered please start challenging people and playing a tournament based on failure to respond victories is utterly pointless and boring. THank you for your time feel free to email me to at Shroudedrage@hotmail.com

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