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ok now i have this prob with single player because of some bull-**** mod that i have dowloaded ona aserver. For some reason, kyle is invisible and i dont know how to get rid of it!!!!


His lightsaber or gun is the only thing that shows up!!!


By the way, when in the ****ing bloody hell is the patch for SOF II gonna come out??


Ravensoft???? Any ****ing answers???



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Hey Biggs haven't seen round lately. Any ways my ep3 mod did that too. Only it made jan disappear except for her eyes and teeth. And my jedi/jeditrainer skins were erased. So if you remember the date that you DL'd it go into your base or gamdata folder and click on them. It will show the date converted. And just take it out of the folder. Hope to beat your @$$ again sometime.


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