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WIP: Saesee Tiin (Re - Born)


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Once again, I will begin Saesee Tiin! This time I will model it off of my drawing I'm going to draw. This model will be ten times better than my first Saesee Tiin.


So far I have drawn the head, front and profile view. I know it's not the best, on account I haven't draw anything in a while, and that I rushed it, but I'm going to trace it in 3dS and straiten out the proportions:




Now all I need to do is draw the body, resize, and upload them into max.


(To Admins: If you don't accept me making a new thread for my redone Saesee, you can close this and I can just post on my old thread.)

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I finished the body drawing today, like I said before I'm rusty on my drawing skills but it will be clearer once I trace it in max:




I will be starting on the model as soon as possible, hopefully I'll get a good bit done before I go on vacation (next Wednesday). I'll be gone for two weeks.


Thanks for the feedback ever-well Matt anyway.




The reason you can see the legs through the cloth is because I'm going to have to model the legs under the cloth.

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Please, anyone who can draw (good) out there, I need a huge favor. I need some drawings like the ones I did above, but better. It turns out I didn't have the proportions right and it totally screwed me over.


I need:


(On one page) A drawing of the body, de-robed, front, side (right), and back view. Proportions correct (i.e. front view shoulder matches side view, pointer finger matches pointer finger, ect.


(On one page) I also need a front and left side view of the head, in detail. Proportions correct (i.e. front view nose matches side view nose, ect.


Don't worry about resizing it, I will do that.


Please, can anyone help me.


Also, if you can, send some of your other work to Jmbennett1@aol.com , zip format.


Ps. I need these as SOON as possible.

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