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New Custom Npc's In Maps Possible


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A previous response to someone who asked the same questions:


Unfortunately, the saber hilts are hardcoded (along with saber length and some other stuff I would have liked to have externalized into the NPCs.cfg, but I didn't have time).

You can make new NPCs by making a new NPC entry and putting it in an .npc file in ext_data (so you don't overwrite the NPCs.cfg).


You can copy and paste an NPC entry into your new file and modify it.


Then place an NPC_spawner in your map and set the NPC_type to whatever name you came up with for your NPC.


One word about NPC naming conventions:


If you want them to start with a particular weapon, you should either name your NPC in a way that is consistent with existing ones (again, starting weapon is something I should have externalized). So if you want them to start with a saber, their name should start with "jedi", "reborn" or "shadowtrooper". If you want them to start with a blaster, their name should start with "st" or "rebel" or something like that... I can send a full list if you need it.


Also, the model you specify should also try to use the existing NPC's naming conventions. This is because the only way the game knows that you're using the humanoid skeleton for your model is by looking at the model name and comparing it to a list. So, the model's directory should start with one of the following:
































Otherwise, if you're using one of the existing model directories, it will be fine.



Michael Chang Gummelt


Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II


Raven Software



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