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Help with Tagging


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check out http://www.btinternet.com/~howe_alison/brothers/tutorial/gmax_jkii_tutorial.htm for tags, uvmapping et al.


and for polycounts, goto the last bar thing on the bit where the Modifiers List and Creat panels are (u know what i mean - i just cant remember the name) and click Number of Polys (or summat like that - its fairly obvious when u see it anyways).


oh, and to resize ur model, use the Uniform Scale tool (its near Move and Rotate). make sure ur model is all 1 mesh (select 1 mesh, goto Modify panel, click Attach List, select all the other meshes) then use the Uniform Scale tool until the model is about 12 whatevers high and 2 whatevers wide (thats the dimensions of the original)

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