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When HOSTING a game, how can I send skins down 2 others?


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I know how to get the sabers, mods, maps etc.. to download via activating the AUTODOWNLOADS, but how can I get a SKIN to download to peoples computer as the join a game?


I could swear that I got one the other day from someone and am trying to figure out how to get a skin to load onto someone else's computer automatically...


Any help is appreciated.

Does a pure vs. unpure server have anything to do with it?


If anyone can, please send me a step-by-step on how to do it...



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Okay.. heres how to do it.. let me know your results!


In the GAMEDATA folder, create a folder with the name of your skin (minus the .pk3 in the filename)


Example: I want to send the clone.pk3 to others.

The folder I create is CLONE


Inside that folder, put the clone.pk3 in there.


Start up a multiplayer game. At the main menu before kicking off the game, go to SETUP and you will see a MOD called CLONE.


Choose this... Then set up your game. (Dont forget to set the ALLOW DOWNLOADS in the ADVANCED options while setting up the game)


Your game will start, and now the clone.pk3 will download to the player's computers!!




I've had sucess trying this with 2 skins so far.. Solo AND CloneTrooper

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