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error-something cycled out-cloud city


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Greetings all! I recently got JK2 from a freind and i'm at Cloud city still in the long skinny part of the building where Kyle 'senses a strange distubance in the Force'. When the video cuts to the opposite side(looking at kyle) and starts to pan up, it just stops. i forgot exactly what the error says but i'm getting that right after this goes up.

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ok, CL_GetServer Command: a reliable command was cycled out. I have no idea what it means. any help would be greatly appreciated bc i cant go any farther in the game untill I get this fixed. Maybe it wont happen when I get my Alienware system in :D p4@2ghz, 512 megs ddr ram, G-Force 4 4600, 60 gig hd. It will decimate most. ;)

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c'mon guys. There's gotta be someone out there who can help. I would try just skipping that level but i cant find any level skip cheats. I'm stuck and I cant get out! heeelllllppp!!!


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