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recompiling mods???


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First off..thanks Raven and LA for releasing the 1.04 patch.


I'm hoping they will release the source soon after since I now will distrust any mods that were compiled against the SDK. Even though some of the changes in 1.04 were already in the source for 1.03a, I'm betting they made further tweaks to those same fixes.


I run the Vulcanus Admin Mod, but I'll probably take it off until it can be recompiled against the (hopefully) newly released source code.



What do you all think of this...if Raven made further tweaks to say the backstab and I run a MOD that was compiled with 1.03a, won't the mod override the official 1.04 and negate any additional tweaks to the SAME tweaks in 1.04?


I know that the 1.04 tweaks that were not in 1.03 SDK won't be affected, but what about the ones that were?

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well at the very least it would seem logical that the mod would

take precidence since it would load after the basic gamecode.

I doudt it will realy screw you up but I imagine it might reset some

or the patche's fixes.

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Looking at the tweaks from 1.04, the source code is the exact same thing. Go ahead and play on any server with a mod. You more than likely will not notice any difference from 1.04.


As Kenn Hoekstra stated in his initial remarks on the subject:


"Mod makers will have to update their mods to reflect new the

IP protocol introduced in 1.04. This will be a minor adjustment

to your existing mod stuffs."


With what I have experienced, even that is unneccesary, as mine works with 1.04 flawlessly.

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